If you’re planning to start building a project with Appwrite, but are facing difficulties in picking a problem to solve, here is a list of potential ideas you could work on:

  1. Task Management App: Create a task management app that allows users to create, update, and delete tasks, set deadlines, and categorize them. Use Appwrite for user authentication, data storage, and real-time updates.
  2. Chat Application: Develop a real-time chat application that allows users to send messages, share images, and create group chats. Utilize Appwrite's database and real-time capabilities to handle chat data and notifications.
  3. Event Planner: Build an event planning app where users can create events, invite attendees, and manage RSVPs. Use Appwrite's database to store event information and user authentication for secure login.
  4. Online Marketplace: Create an online marketplace where users can post items for sale, browse listings, and contact sellers. Use Appwrite for user authentication, data storage, and handling transactions.
  5. Social Network: Develop a social networking app that allows users to create profiles, connect with friends, and share posts. Utilize Appwrite's database, user authentication, and real-time features to manage user data and interactions.
  6. Photo Sharing App: Build a photo-sharing app where users can upload, edit, and share images with friends. Use Appwrite's storage and image manipulation capabilities to handle image uploads and transformations.
  7. Fitness Tracker: Create a fitness tracking app that allows users to log workouts, track progress, and set goals. Use Appwrite's database and user authentication features to store workout data and manage user accounts.
  8. Recipe Sharing Platform: Develop a recipe-sharing app that allows users to post, browse, and save recipes. Utilize Appwrite's database and storage features to store recipe information and images.
  9. Online Portfolio: Build an online portfolio app for artists, designers, or developers to showcase their work. Use Appwrite's database and storage features to manage user profiles and project data.
  10. Language Learning App: Create a language learning app that offers lessons, quizzes, and practice exercises. Use Appwrite's database and user authentication features to store user progress and manage accounts.

Beyond that, you can also check out our awesome-appwrite repo for more inspiration! 😄
