What is Appwrite?

Appwrite is an open-source, end-to-end backend-as-a-service platform that simplifies the process of building and managing web and mobile applications. It provides developers with essential tools and services, such as user authentication, data storage, real-time updates, and file management, allowing them to focus on creating your applicationā€™s features and user experiences without worrying about backend complexities.

Learn more about Appwrite:

Getting Started with Appwrite

<aside> šŸ’” All the content here can be found in the Appwrite documentation:


Sign Up for Appwrite Cloud

The first step to building with Appwrite at this hackathon is to create an Appwrite Cloud account.

You can sign up for your Appwrite Cloud account here:

Setup the Appwrite CLI

TheĀ Appwrite CLI Ā is a command-line application that allows you to interact with theĀ Appwrite serverĀ and perform server-side tasks using your terminal. This includes creating and managing projects, managing resources (documents, files, users), creating and deploying Appwrite Functions, and other operations available through Appwrite's API.

You can install it on your system via npm or a shell script.

Choose an SDK

The next step is deciding which language/framework you want to build on Appwrite with. For that matter, we offer a variety of SDKs:


Our SDKs effectively act as wrappers to help you access Appwrite via 3 different protocols:

Check out these guides, especially the REST API guide, if you would like to use Appwrite in any language you prefer without an SDK.